Summer 2021 Cohort

Project Manager - Huy Truong - MArch ‘23 - Yale School of Architecture

Claire Hicks - MArch ‘22 - Yale School of Architecture

Joseph Reich - MArch ‘23 - Yale School of Architecture

Sebastian Bruno - BS, Mech. Eng. ‘22 - Yale College

Serge Saab - MArch II ‘22 - Yale School of Architecture

Veronica Chen - BA, Art and Mech. Eng. ‘21 - Yale College

Yang Tian - MArch ‘22 - Yale School of Architecture



On Farmer’s Markets

The question we pose to Design Brigade:

This summer, Design Brigade is working with CitySeed to envision a new vision for the Farmers Market. What does a more equitable and inclusive Farmers Market look like?




The project as conceived by Design Brigade:

This summer, Design Brigade worked with CitySeed to re-envision the farmers market in New Haven. We investigated what food justice means in a city and world forever changed by the pandemic. We developed design strategies that might begin to foster change for New Haven communities today and in the long-term future. We did not expect to solve something so complex and systematically entrenched in two months. However, as a collection of our conversations, mappings, questions, drawings and as a narrative synthesis of everything we’ve learned and imagined along the way, it is our hope that our work can serve as a foothold for further efforts towards a more robust, inclusive and accessible food system in New Haven and beyond.